Pre-K is capped at 18 students per section. Kindergarten is capped at 25 students per section, First – Fifth Grade is capped at 32 students per section.
Pre-K has one full-time licensed teacher and one Pre-K Paraprofessional per classroom. Kindergarten – Fifth Grade classrooms have one full-time licensed teacher per classroom. Additionally, PS 183 has one Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) classroom in Kindergarten – Fifth Grade. ICT Classrooms have one full-time general education teacher and one full-time special education teacher.
Through the generous support of our PTA, we have been able to provide teaching assistants in Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade classrooms. This is dependent each year on PTA funds.
A typical school day consists of a Morning Meeting, which starts our school day and builds/sustains our classroom community. At 183, we use the RULER program, developed by Yale University, to help children build a language around their emotions and learn how to regulate and recognize the role these emotions play in their day. After Morning Meeting, children experience daily instruction in Reading, Writing, Math and Social Studies/Science. There’s also a lunch/recess break. In Kindergarten, play is part of the afternoon period for students in order to continue to build and foster social skill development.
Included in each day’s schedule is one special class. Each week, students have Art, Music, Physical Education, Technology and Science class.
How do I find out if I'm in PS183's school zone?
P.S. 183's After School Program is run by the Imogen Foundation (IF). The program offers several options and runs daily. For more information about schedules and others please check our after-school program page.
For 2024 PS 183 1 section for preK, has 4 sections for K-3, 3 sections for 4 and 5.
Pre-K students have lunch in their classrooms at 10:30 am, followed by a rest period.
10:55 am – 11:50 am – Kindergarten & First Grade lunch and recess
11:55 am – 12:50 pm – Second & Third Grade lunch and recess
12:55 pm - 1:50 pm Fourth & Fifth Grade lunch and recess
During the lunch period, the younger grade stays inside to eat while the older grade goes to recess. Midway through the period they flip – the younger grade goes to recess while the older grade goes to the cafeteria to eat.
Families can choose to send lunch from home or eat school lunch. School lunch options are hot lunch or sandwiches such as cheese or peanut butter & jelly and are available to all students free of charge. Menus are posted on
At P.S. 183, our staff use the following curriculums to support student learning. In PK and K, students use Heggerty Phonemic Awareness program, and in grades K-3, the University of Florida Literacy Initiative (UFLI) systematic phonics curriculum to build foundational literacy skills in phonics and phonemic awareness. To support students with literacy skills in reading and writing, our school uses Wit and Wisdom. Wit and Wisdom is part of NYC Reads. Throughout four modules of study each school year students build in-depth knowledge on both scientific and historical topics while acquiring vocabulary, key background knowledge to understand future texts, comprehension skills and fluency. Module topics range from the study of sea creatures in third grade to the American Revolutionary War in grade 4. For Math, all students are taught using Eureka Squared NYS Edition. This curriculum focuses on four mathematical areas: fluency (with multiplication, division, addition and subtraction), use of mathematical vocabulary, problem solving, and the use of mathematical models to understand concepts such as place value, the standard algorithm and fractions. This curriculum builds consistency in our math instruction, from K-5th grade. For Science, our specialty teachers uses the Amplify Curriculum
to develop scientific understanding through real-life scenarios. For example, in Kindergarten, students learn the concepts of push and pull and force by studying and building their own pinball machines. In grades 1-5, our students expand their hands-on Science knowledge through our very own Hydroponics lab. Partnering with NY Sunworks, students study plant and flower growth and learn about sustainability topics in our lab under the teaching of our Science teacher.
Overall, our curriculums allow teachers the opportunity to support students at all academic levels and ranges, while at the same time keeping learners engaged in their academic subjects.
At 183, we have full-time and part-time Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapists to deliver services at school for students with IEPs. We also have a full-time guidance counselor and a SETTS teacher who provides pull-out academic support services as well. In addition, on each grade, K-5, we have ICT classrooms. An ICT classroom is one that is staffed with a full-time general education teacher and a full-time special education teacher. The class is made up of 60% general education students and 40% students with IEPs. The classrooms follow the pace and rigor of our general education classrooms, but adapt assignments and curriculum to meet the needs of the students.
The PS 183 After School Program is run by the The Imogen Roche Foundation Inc. (IF) a multi-service nonprofit agency whose programs focus on the Social and Emotional Learning and Mental Wellness of children and teens through project-based learning, social engagement and communication skills development. Click here to view the programs offered through IF at PS 183.
Students who are new to the English language and who qualify for services, receive academic support each week through both push-in and pull-out instruction by our full-time English Language Learner teacher. ENL instruction focuses on phonics knowledge (K-2), vocabulary, reading comprehension, and basic writing skills. Instructional sessions hit upon each of the key literacy components of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Instruction is delivered in English. Each year, we also host an after-school reading program in the winter to provide ENL students with additional literacy support. Our ENL teacher also hosts events throughout the year that bring students and families together for community events and activities.
PS 183 has a vibrant and involved Parents Teachers Association and having a child at 183 automatically makes you a member of the PTA! Various fundraisers are held throughout the school year and funds raised support programs that enrich our students as well as our staff. Fundraisers include but are not limited to Family Giving Fund, Readathon, Family Fun Friday Halloween Party, Spring Benefit/Auction, Scholastic Book Fair and Boosterthon. Funds raised support Teaching Assistants in various grades, a recess program, chess instruction in our lower grades, and partnerships with various institutions such as National Dance Institute, Global Classroom, New York Historical Society, and New York City Ballet. The PTA also invests in Professional Development for teaching staff, ensuring that teachers are equipped with the latest tools to support students. PS 183’s PTA is governed by an Executive Board that works closely with administration to create a budget that determines how funds raised will be spent. Two seats on the Executive Board are held open for families that are new to 183. Nominations to fill those seats are taken in September and elections are held during the October meeting.
ABOUT P.S. 183
How many students are there in classrooms/sections?
How many teachers are there in classrooms?
Are there assistant teachers?
What are school hours?
What is a typical school day schedule?
Are there after-school programs at 183?
What types of after school programs does PS 183 offer?
When will my child have lunch and recess?
Do I have to send lunch with my child?
What curriculum does your school follow with regards to the core academic subjects – Reading, Writing, Math, Phonics, and Science?
What services do you offer for Special Education students with an IEP?
What services do you offer English Language Learners?
Does PS 183 have a PTA?
How many classes/sections are there per grade?