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Please be sure to include your name and contact information in any email requests.


Dear Prospective 183 Families –

If your child was born in 2020 and you live in New York City, your child can start kindergarten in September 2025. Children born in 2021 and living in New York City can start PreK in September 2025.

All families, including current pre-k students, students with disabilities, and English Language Learners, should submit an application.  Apply by January 2025 (deadline to be released by the NYC Department of Education (DOE), to stay up to date with the DOE click here).

Apply online at or over the phone by calling 718-935-2009 (Monday through Friday 8 am - 6 pm). To find out if you are in PS183's school zone write your address on the DOE's website. If you are in the school's zone it will appear under zoned schools.


Please note that if you do not currently live in PS 183's zone or you are not moving into our zone, you will not receive a seat offer to our school.  

PS 183 will be holding school tours on December 6  2024 and January 10th 2025. We start our tours at 9:00 am.. Tours are approximately one and a half hours and are for adults only. We are unable to honor requests for tours at any other time.

Follow this link and fill out the form to attend a school tour. 

If you have questions please contact:


·  Jasmine Delgado, PS 183 School Secretary,

·  LuAnn Propper, PS 183 Parent Coordinator,


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